Ear nose and throat, Budapest, XI. kerület 3 clinic (23 Ear nose and throat specialist)
Description, questionsEar, Nose And Throat Examination, Budapest, XI. kerület
At the ear, nose and throat examinations base of the ear, nose and sinuses, as well as the oral cavity, throat, pharynx and larynx lesions researching the specialist.
Ear Wash, Budapest, XI. kerület
Earwax located in special glands in the ear canal products. This is a greasy, pasty mass, comprising desquamated epithelial cells, hairs, and may be weakened dust and dirt. It is important that adequate personnel and should wash his ears, who can then check the status of your ear, and if necessary recognize the complications treats.
Tonsillectomy, Budapest, XI. kerület
There may be instances when the doctor is still prefers when removed from the almonds. It can be, if someone is constantly battling tonsillitis, or if the swollen tonsils make it impossible to breath and swallowing.
Frenulum Solution, Budapest, XI. kerület
A short frenulum inhibits the movement of the tongue, which is important both for infant nutrition, such as speech development. As a solution to solve the frenulum, or frenulotómia, which is a local anesthetic that can be completed in minutes, it is virtually painless, outpatient procedure.