Eye Training, Budapest, XI. kerület (Ophthalmology) 1 clinics' services (21 Ophthalmologist)
Description, questions
The need to train our eyes also tornáztatni not to lustuljon, do not get tired quickly. To do this, stand up enough hours in front of the computer for a few minutes, special exercises regularly tornáztatni. Managing stress is also important to our vision of preventive maintenance because of prolonged stress can cause spasms in the eyes of our state as well, and this can have consequences in the long run.
Holisztikus Természetgyógyászat
Internist Gastroenterologist Naturopathic doctor Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Psychologist Dietetic Acupuncturist Geneticist Neurosurgeon Cardiologist Nephrologist Oncologist Ophthalmologist Psychotherapist Pulmonologist Homeopathic doctor Kinesiologist Diabetologist
1223 Budapest, Kápolna u. 35.