Dermatology, Budapest, XI. kerület 18 clinic (39 Dermatologist, 43 Allergist)
Description, questionsPRP, Dracula Therapy, Budapest, XI. kerület
The palette of rejuvenating treatments based process revolutionary, cutting-edge, known as biostimulation principle of Dracula therapy, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) or My Cells treatment. injection of his own, i.e. autologous plasma obtained in their blood, and in some alkotóelemeiből into the skin.
Hair Therapy, A Hair Test, Budapest, XI. kerület
Examination of the hair and scalp young branch exploration of the causes of hair problems facing enterprises. The hair reacts occurring in the body processes and problems of pathological lesions. This condition can be improved with special hair compositions.
Dermaroller Therapy, Budapest, XI. kerület
The Dermaroller therapy is one of the latest anti-aging procedures in aesthetic dermatology. The treatment is based on the skin surface, tiny pinprick dropped to 250 per square centimeter covered with a very fine, sharp-tipped spikes roller. Due to the damage done by a small biological activators are starting to be produced, which trigger the skin's own regeneration mechanism.
Removing Atheroma, Budapest, XI. kerület
The atheroma, also known as atheroma or a benign sebaceous gland, located just below the skin, firm, encapsulated lesions. kivezetőcsövének sebaceous glands cause of the blockage. As a result of atheroma can reach cseresznyényi, nut sizes.
Skin Lesion Removal, Budapest, XI. kerület
The body may be formed incurred due to a greater or lesser warts, excessive keratinization small growths of different paint birthmarks, connective tissue benign tumors in any part that most often do not cause any complaints, only aesthetically disturbing. In connection with the alapfelfogásunk lesions, benign lesions were excised clearly that the whole edge intact and sent for histological examination.
Mesotherapy, Budapest, XI. kerület
The current most advanced and most effective method hatóanagyagbejuttatási. Uniquely able to break through the skin barrier layer, allowing agents to access the appropriate depth, which exert their effects quickly and spectacularly. The mezoterápiánál pin prick of the needle itself starts to regenerate the skin. As a consequence, more flexible and firmer skin develops.
Scar, Budapest, XI. kerület
Various methods to reduce scars happen sight of Hide. These include, injekciós-, laser procedures, peels and freezing.
Tattoo Disappearance, Budapest, XI. kerület
Elimination of laser tattoo. The pigment-containing cells heat up and explode. They blew up the pieces of pigment in the lymph example, they will leave by sweating and digestive activity of macrophages. The pigment is becoming increasingly clear in the end and gradually disappear.
Treatment Of Pigment Removal, Budapest, XI. kerület
Benign liver spots, pigmentation of the skin may occur after various inflammatory diseases progresses with age, hormonal, genetic or other reasons.
Skin Rejuvenation, Budapest, XI. kerület
The purpose of skin rejuvenation to improve skin tightness, various skin problems reduce, remove, which may be fine wrinkles, acne or pock marks formed after injuries, scars, freckles and tattoos. After the procedure the skin is softer, brighter, firmer and irregularities and fine wrinkles in the treated areas is free.
Biopsy, Budapest, XI. kerület
All types of dermatological (inflammatory cancer, hereditary, autoimmune) disease histological diagnosis can be performed traditional histopathological, immunofluorescence and if necessary modern methods (immunohistology, molecular techniques). R nVálogatott known cases. frozen sections examination occurs during surgery. R nThe material removed for microscopic examination sections are made. is the histology of them during the examination, which includes the diagnosis, which is the need for further action to be taken based on the doctor can decide.